Aims: Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder have to use antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and mood balance drugs to decrease symptoms of their illness alongside the side effects of these drugs such as oral and dental and gingival disease. This study aimed to evaluate the oral health status of psychiatric veterans in Shiraz.
Materials & Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 80 veterans with mental health referred to Jannat garden center of Shiraz were selected by convenience sampling method in 2013-14. Data were collected using a researcher-made checklist. After completing the checklist, data were entered into SPSS 17 software and nonparametric Spearman correlation test was used for analysis.
Findings: DMFT was obtained 23.7±6.2. There was no significant correlation between age and the indices of DMFT, oral health and bleeding. There was a significant and positive correlation between using antipsychotic medications and indices of DMFT and oral health, but there was not a significant correlation between sedative and antidepressants medications. No statistically significant correlation was observed between bleeding and drug type. There was no significant correlation between duration of drug consumption and indices of oral health, DMFT bleeding.
Conclusion: Oral health statue of veterans admitted to the hospital is poor and thinkable.