Iranian Journal of War and Public Health

eISSN (English): 2980-969X
eISSN (Persian): 2008-2630
pISSN (Persian): 2008-2622
Volume 7, Issue 4 (2015)                   Iran J War Public Health 2015, 7(4): 183-188 | Back to browse issues page



How to cite this article
Moghtadayi M, Khosh Akhlagh H. Effectiveness of Acceptance- and Commitment-Based Therapy on Psychological Flexibility of Veterans’ Spouses. Iran J War Public Health 2015; 7 (4) :183-188
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1- Psychology Department, Educational Sciences & Psychology Faculty, Isfahan Branch (Khprasegan), Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
2- Psychology Department, Psychology Faculty, Naein Branch, Islamic Azad University, Naein, Iran ,
* Corresponding Author Address: Psychology Faculty, Islamic Azad University, Moadarres Sqr., Naein, Iran. Postal Code: 8391965931
Abstract   (7590 Views)

Aims: Over the years of imposed war, veterans’ families, and especially their wives, experience complications arising from it, in such a case that their life has been associated with spiritual and mental damages. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on flexibility in spouses of veterans.

Materials & Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 34 spouses of veterans, referred to Shahed Counseling Centers in Isfahan during winter and spring 2015, were selected via Available Sampling Method, and through Random Sampling Method, they assigned to experimental and control groups (n=17 per group). Research tool was Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II). In experimental group, there were eight 90-min treatment sessions based on acceptance (2 sessions per week).  Control group did not receive any intervention. Data was analyzed in SPSS 21 software using Repeated Measure ANOVA, and Bonferroni Post-hoc test.

Findings: In posttest and follow up stages, there were significant differences in mean flexibility scores between control and experimental groups (p<0.01). Time did not affect the effectiveness of posttest-to-follow up stage. In addition, there was no reduction in the effects of intervention in the follow up stage compared to posttest.

Conclusion: Based on acceptance and commitment therapy, Group therapy method effectively enhances psychological flexibility level of the spouses of the veterans.


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