Aims: Children's mental conditions are affected by communication with their parents. the purpose of this study was to explain the casual relationship between the initial maladaptive schemas and psychological capital in the children of veterans with the role of mediating the cognitive regulation of emotion.
material and methods: the fundamental study method and in terms of the data collection method was descriptive studies and casual modeling statistical method. out of 86642 progeny (boys and girls) of vaterans aged 18 to 35, 340 were available and voluntarily surveyed from April 1401 up to september 1401. the research tools included questionnaires: short form questionnaire of Jeffrey Young(1998), questionnaire of psychological capitals of Lutans, Oyelo and Norman (2007) and cognitive regulation of emotion questionnaire of Garnofsky, Kraich and Spinhaven (2001). data were analized usine path analysis test, pearson's correlation coefficient, regression, in Imus software environment.
Finding: the results showed that the evaluated structureal model had good fit indices for the data. the path coefficient of adaptive strategies of cognitive regulation of emotion with psychological capital (p= 0.001, B=0.247) is positive and the path coefficient of maladaptive strategies of cognitive regulation of emotion with psychological capital (p= 0.001, B= 0.338) was negative and significant. the total path coefficient (sum of direct and indirect path coefficient) between primary maladaptive schemas and psychological capital (p=0.001, B=0.209) was negative and significant.
Result: adaptive and non-adaptive strategids of cognitive regulation of emotion explained the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and psychological capital in children of vaterans.