Iranian Journal of War and Public Health

eISSN (English): 2980-969X
eISSN (Persian): 2008-2630
pISSN (Persian): 2008-2622

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Showing 15 results for Disease

M.r. Akbari, R. Safdari, Sh. Tofighi, M. Moeinolghorabaei, Gh. Karami,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (1-2010)

    Background and Purpose: since all information based on the activities of a system which is there should be that information production and management. The purpose such a system in which have guaranteed correct information and reliable needed in the times and in the form is used. Such a system of information system which has been named. This study was to compare Information System features clinical psychological diseases caused by war in America and England and Australia and Iran.

  Materials and Methods: This study is from applicable studies of descriptive – analytic cross – sectional study . At first the existing situation in this system study in Psychiatric centers in Ahvaz Bostan and Tehran Sadr and Saadat Abad with the use of chek list in the period of time 1387-88 study. Then this system has been study in elected countries and based on need of the own country, proposing practical solutions for Iran. analyze information based on comparing the characteristics of the aforementioned countries in the study was a descriptive analysis-theory.

  Results: From important advantages of establishment clinical information system psychological diseases caused by war, attention to the prevention programs of mental disorders caused by the war ,which has at least the standard in this regard and the reduction in political and economic and cultural emotional and social effects of psychological diseases caused by the war truma.

  Conclusion: The system by data collecting and processing and presenting it to information users has effective role in care progress of patients with the diseases. With regard to this important and the lack of such system in psychiatry centers in of Martyrs Foundation and the devoted’s Affairs , design and implementation of it is important.

M. Gharakhani, S. Razeghi Jahromi, H. Sadeghian, S. Faghihzadeh, H. Kazemi, J. Arabkheradmand, P. Koulivand, L. Bayan, A. Gorji,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (9-2010)

Introduction: Drug interaction is one of the most important problems in the treatment of patients suffering from different chronic intractable diseases. The war-injured veterans are one of the groups that are more prone to chronic refractory diseases.

Materials: The investigation was conducted on war-injured veterans referred to a multi-disciplinary clinic in Tehran. These veterans were injured during Iraq-Iran war (1980-1988). This multi-disciplinary clinic treats patients with chronic pain, refractory epilepsy, chronic headache, and spinal cord injury. Result: The number of drug interaction in war-injured veterans under investigation was between 1 to 40. A study on drug interactions was performed in 150 war-injured veterans. Drug interactions were observed in 148 patients with different intensity. The total number of drug interactions was 1239 in these patients. The most common type of drug interactions were observed in the patients who received different anti-depression drugs (52%).

Conclusion: The present study showed that the most war-injured veterans suffering from intractable diseases affected by drug interaction. The results of this study suggest the necessity and importance of devising some guidelines to prevent, or at least decrease drug interaction in the war-injured veterans.

V.ahid Nejati, Kh. Ahmadi,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (9-2010)

Background and Purpose: Evaluation of epidemiology of chronic disease in psychiatric veterans can use as guidance for programming of their health. The purpose of current study is evaluation of chronic disease in psychiatric veterans of Iran.

Method: In this cross sectional study we evaluate 970 psychiatric veterans in 2008 that were participated in veteran’s health monitoring project. We complete questioner in their home with examination and clinical interview. Results: Findings show that 46.7% of psychiatric veterans have at least one chronic disease. Respiratory disease with 18.2% was the most common disease. Prevalence other chronic disease were 14.7% for cardiovascular disease, 8.9% for diabetes and 7.5% for urinary system disease.

Discussion: In psychiatric veterans prevalence of cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary and diabetic disease is more than general population. Control of nervous system on other organs can be considered as causal factor of these findings.

F. Majdinasab, N. Jalilevand, Gh.a. Shahidi, N. Moradi, S. Karhkeiran, M. Salehi,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (9-2011)

Objective: Parkinson’s Disease(PD) is the most common movement disorder in the world that causes Hpokinetic dysarthria in patients.80-90% of these patients have speech and language disorders. Diadochokinesis(DDK) test is one of the best and most common tools to evaluate neurological disorder speeches of any type and any severity. The purpose of this research is to configurate relation of oral DDK and disease severity.
Material and Methods: in this cross sectional ,analytical and noninterventional study 27 PD patients were chosen from clients of movement disorder clinic of neurology ward of Rasool Akram educational and treating center using convenience sampling and under inclusion criteria conditions., Mean of monosyllable diado test is evaluated by speech and language pathologist and evaluation of disease severity is done by neurologist using UPDRS-III. Diado of 21 age-sex matched group was assessed. Pearson and  Spearman correlation coefficient and independent sample t-test are used to analyz data.
Results:  PD patients showed significantly slower diado(P<0.001). no significant relation is found between DDK and disease severity (rs=0.360, P=.0.065) There is positive correlation between toe tapping part of UPDRS and DDK(rs=0.412,P=0.033).Sexuality doesn’t affect the results.
Conclusion: this study shows DDK rate Parkinson patients is lower compare to normal people. There is no correlation between mean monosyllable DDK and disease severity(based on UPDRS-III). Sexuality doesn’t affect the mean DDK of patients.

T. Kazemi , B. Bijari ,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (3-2014)

Aims: Cardiovascular diseases are one of the most preventable chronic diseases. Sufficient knowledge and attitude regarding cardiovascular risk factors have a significant role in the prevention of these diseases. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and performance of veterans and their wives to the cardiovascular diseases risk factors.

Materials & Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was done in 2011 on 103 veterans and their wives. The sampling method was convenience sampling. Data collection tool was the researcher-made questionnaire consisted of 28 questions that measured three dimensions of knowledge, attitude, and performance associated with cardiovascular disease risk factors. Data entered into SPSS 15 software and was analyzed by independent T-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation.

Findings: Mean of knowledge score 17.40±2.93 (of Max 20), attitude score 34.28±5.44 (of Max 50) and performance score was 10.18±2.28 (of Max 16). Knowledge level of 81.6% of people was good, attitude level of 70.7% of people was moderate and performance level of 63.3% of people was in the moderate level. There was no difference between the mean of knowledge, attitude and performance scores of the two groups of veterans and their wives. There was a relationship between the attitude and performance of veterans and their wives regarding cardiovascular diseases risk factors.

Conclusion: The knowledge level of the most veterans and their wives about cardiovascular diseases risk factors are at good level and the attitude and performance level of most of them are moderate. Veterans and their wives have good knowledge about cardiovascular diseases risk factors; however, their performance level is moderate.

F. Pirouz, F. Mohammadi Shahbolaghi, M. Foroughan ,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (3-2017)

Aims: The first step to respond to the health needs of the retirees of the military organizations is to identify such needs. The aim of the study was to determine the frequencies of physical problems and diseases of the military retirees, as well as to determine the potential impact of the services provided by the military organiztions on the old-age health needs.

Instrument & Methods: In the cross-sectional descriptive-analytic study, 299 military retirees, who were residing in Tehran, were studied between 2013 and 2015. The subjects were selected via available purposeful sampling method method. Data was collected by the study questionnaire consisted of the abbreviated mental test score (AMTS) and a researcher-made questionnaire as the main survey of the study. Data was analyzed by SPSS 16 software using descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA and independent T tests.

Findings: 159 retirees (%53.2) were without any communication-limiting physical problem. Nevertheless, the most prevalent limiting disorder was the auditory problems (12.0%). 144 retirees (48.2%) were with active diseases, and the most prevalent diseases were high blood pressure (21.5%) and diabetes (19.4%). Totally, the physical health status was declared by 214 retirees (71.6%), and 15 retirees (5.0%), 77 retirees (25.7%), and 99 retirees (33.1%) declared their own satisfaction levels as very good, good, and moderate, respectively.  

Conclusion: The most important health problems of the military retirees are the chronic non-communicable diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardio-vascular diseases. Only one third of the subjects are satisfied with their own health status.

S. Abdolahi , A. Gorji ,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (11-2020)

Aims: Climate change may weaken the human immune system. Nutrient deficiency also reduces the ability to fight infections, which is a major cause of immune system deficiencies. Climate change influences food security and, in turn, enhances the prevalence of malnutrition globally. The purpose of the present study was to accumulate evidence indicating the role of climate changes, food insecurity, and weakened immune systems in the COVID-19 pandemic.
Information & Methods: This review study was conducted using the keywords
Covid-19, pandemics, epidemics, climate change, micronutrients, the immune
system, and a search for domestic and international databases.
Findings: Significant associations were found between the unpredictable occurrence of new zoonotic pathogens and reduced immunity, micronutrient malnutrition, and global climate crisis.
Conclusion: Lack of integrative health care strategies may play a major role in viral epidemics. The evidence indicates that climate change and food shortage can debilitate the immune system and increase the risk of new epidemics.

I. Suardi Wekke, A. Heri Iswanto, M.s. Majeed, S.a. Awadh, A. Samal, H.a. Talib, Z. Islam, Y. Fakri Mustafa, H.h. Kzar, N. Beheshtizadeh,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (1-2022)

Aims: Quality of life is especially important in patients with diabetes. This study aimed to investigate the quality of life model in patients with type 2 diabetes based on awareness and mediated disease management behaviors.
Materials & Methods: In this study, 300 patients with type 2 diabetes in Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, and India were studied. Research instruments include a diabetes patient awareness questionnaire, disease management behaviors questionnaire, and quality of life questionnaire in diabetic patients. The covariance multivariable test and structural equation modeling were used in SPSS 23 software.
Findings: The results of the analysis of the measurement model show that the factor structure of the research scales is approved, and the test results of the field model show that the fit indices are in a good condition. The results showed that disease management behaviors have a significant direct effect on the quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes and awareness has direct and indirect effects on quality of life (mediated by disease management behaviors).
Conclusion: Findings indicate the importance of the role of awareness and disease management behaviors in the quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes. Also, the results showed that the studied variables were upgraded for the post-test mode.
S.r. Oleiwi, A.m. Al-Taie, K.a. Al-Hilali,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (4-2022)

Aims: Diabetic nephropathy is one of the consequences of type 1 and type 2 diabetes and one of the main causes of End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) as well as an important risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and death. The aim of this study was to identify the risk factors for diabetic nephropathy in diabetic patients.
Instruments & Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive study, 121 patients (66 females and 55 males) with type 2 diabetes in Karbala, Iraq from October 2019 to April 2021were studied. In the first stage, a complete history of the patients was taken and then a physical examination was performed. After that, 5 ml of aspirated blood and 100 ml of urine were collected from each patient and both were sent to the laboratory for biochemical tests and urinalysis. The collected data were statistically analyzed using SPSS 22 software and Chi-square test.
Findings: Out of 121 diabetic patients, 77 (63.6%) had diabetic nephropathy. The incidence of diabetic nephropathy was higher in men than women. There was a significant relationship between age, persistent hyperglycemia, obesity, and duration of diabetes with diabetic nephropathy (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Age, persistent hyperglycemia, obesity and duration of diabetes are involved in the development of diabetic nephropathy in diabetic patients.

K. Sakibaev, K. Kozuev, I. Atabaev, A. Alimbekova, A. Argynbaeva,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (7-2022)

Aims: The purpose of this research work was to assess somatotypological indicators of physical development in the inhabitants of Kyrgyzstan, from the standpoint of the prospects for preserving the health of the nation as a whole and preventing the occurrence of diseases in the citizens of the country's corresponding to a particular type of somatotypological disorders in particular.
Materials & Methods: The basis of the methodological approach in this research work is a combination of methods of systematic analysis of the relationship of somatotypological indicators of a person's physical development with his general state of health with an analytical study of the features of the relationship of a person's somatic type with his general state of physical health, concerning the realities of living in modern Kyrgyzstan.
Findings: In the course of this scientific study, results were obtained indicating the presence of a relationship between some somatotypological and anthropometric parameters of the physical development of Kyrgyz residents and the presence of certain diseases in them.
Conclusion: Among the male residents of Kyrgyzstan, the abdominal somatotype prevails, and the chest somatotype can be called the least common. For women, the most common somatotype should be considered muscular, while the chest somatotype should be considered the least common. The presence of certain diseases or disease states is reflected in the main somatotypological parameters of a person's physical development.
M. Jumagaliyeva, D. Ayaganov, S. Saparbayev, N. Tuychibayeva,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (11-2022)

Aims: This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of hypoxic encephalopathy in patients with COVID-19 and its relationship with in-hospital mortality.
Instruments & Methods: A multicenter prospective study was conducted on 1277 patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection. All patients were evaluated based on age, severity of disease course, presence or absence of typical symptoms of COVID-19, presence of exacerbating chronic conditions, and presence of developed acute neurological complications. Patients with signs of encephalopathy were identified among patients with acute neurological complications, and a differential diagnosis was carried out to identify hypoxic encephalopathy. The data relating to severe patients with hypoxic COVID-19-associated encephalopathy was studied thoroughly for the chronology of the onset of symptoms, detection of the SARS-CoV-2, the similarity of test results, and diagnostic clinical examinations.
Findings: Hypoxic encephalopathy was identified as the most severe complication among patients with neurological disorders. Most often, older patients had a severe course of the disease. 20% of patients had obtained disorders of the nervous system. 92% of them were diagnosed with hypoxic encephalopathy, which led to death in 95% of cases.
Conclusion: SARS-CoV-2 hypoxic encephalopathy may lead to a poor prognosis for the course of the disease in the vast majority of patients with neurological complications. It means that this serious complication should be investigated more carefully for possible prevention, early diagnosis, effective treatment, and long-term rehabilitation for patients with COVID-19.
S. Vozianov, S. Shamraev, M. Ridchenko, D. Shamraeva,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (11-2022)

Aims: The present study aimed to evaluate and analyze the postoperative complications in patients with open urethroplasty.
Instrument & Methods: In this study, the clinical data of the medical histories of 147 patients with long urethral strictures and obliterations were retrospectively evaluated. All patients were male and between 13 and 85 years old. The observation lasted from 6 to 18 months. Patients were examined under the accepted standards of providing urological care. To evaluate the results and postoperative complications of surgical corrections of urethral strictures and obliterations, all patients were divided into three groups. The difference between the mean values was analyzed using the student t-test.
Findings: Regardless of the length and etiology of urethral stricture, reconstructive surgeries using a skin-fascial flap were likely to have a higher rate of recurrence (56%) than patients who underwent urethra-urethra- or urethra-prostate anastomosis (27%) and buccal urethral anastomosis. Out of 147 patients who underwent surgery to correct urethral stricture and obstruction, 84% had urethra-urethra- or urethra-prostate anastomosis.
Conclusion: During the patient's initial request for medical help, it is important to conduct a maximum examination to choose a rational method of surgical treatment, according to modern standards, with a minimum probability of recurrence. However, early and late postoperative complications and recurrence after surgical treatment are not prevented.
K.i. Raheem, O.i. Rahiem ,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (10-2023)

Aims: Amputation refers to removing a limb's defective or useless portion. Although it is an awful solution, amputation may be the only strategy that can save lives. This study was done to identify the causes of amputation and build a database for assessing healthcare.
Instrument & Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study, which excluded cases of congenital amputations, included all cases admitted to Ghazi Al-Hariri Hospital for surgical specialties in the center of the medical city of Baghdad from January 2016 to January 2021.
Findings: A total of 19744 patients were hospitalized in the orthopedics and trauma department, with 12381 male patients (63%) and 7363 female patients (37%). Also, 748 cases (4% of all cases) had their limbs amputated, of whom 499 cases (67%) were male and 249 cases (33%) were female. For both sexes, the average age was 46 years. The average hospital stay was close to five days. Lower limbs made up 677 cases (91%). However, the difference between these sides was too tiny to be taken into account. Trauma affected 269 patients (36%), complications from diabetes mellitus were found in 232 patients (31%), peripheral vascular ischemia affected 205 patients (27%), malignant tumor cases affected 32 patients (4%), infection was found in only three patients (0.4%), COVID-19 and rheumatologic affected only two patients (0.26%), and burn and chronic ulcers that did not respond to treatment affected just one patient (0.13%).
Conclusion: Male gender and younger ages were found with lower limb disease. Both sides were affected equally. COVID-19 may present as an ischemic limb.
N.f. Almousawi , M.y. Al-Hejjaj ,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (10-2024)

Aims: Escherichia coli is a Gram-negative bacteria classified into non-pathogenic and pathogenic serotypes. This study aimed to blend phenotypic and genotypic techniques to identify Escherichia coli isolated from patients and dogs.
Materials & Methods: 80 samples were collected from humans and dogs with UTI or diarrhea cultured on MacConkey, EMB, and nutrient agars. The suspected E. coli bacteria was confirmed using a PCR-based molecular method. Two bacterial identification techniques were applied to detect the zoonotic transmission possibility; a phenotypic analyzer using Antibiotic Susceptibility test Patterns and molecular genotypic technique depending on the presence of four exact genes in each isolate.
Findings: All the isolated E. coli were multi-drug and strongly resistant (100%) to Amoxicillin+clavulanic acid, Oxacillin, and Vancomycin. Meanwhile, they were highly susceptible to imipenem (100%). The ASP5 (i) was the dominant pattern among human and animal isolates and the most common shared pattern among the four groups of samples. The results showed that 31 of 50 (62%) isolates have similar ASPs; however, only 16 (53.3%) shared the same phylogenetic groups. Furthermore, the molecular genetic group C is highly prevalent in dog isolates, whereas group E was the commonest among human isolates.
Conclusion: Both methods would be more accurate and better explain bacterial transmission and acquiring new antibiotic-resistance genes.
K. Gheibi, F. Pahlevani, M.r. Shirazi,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (10-2024)

Introduction: Infectious diseases, particularly the coronavirus, are among the critical public health and medicine issues that have significantly impacted all aspects of human life. One of the key factors in spreading and intensifying these diseases is the concealment and suppression of related information, which can have disastrous consequences for public health. This issue, besides its social, cultural, and economic dimensions, is also of particular importance from a legal and medical perspective. The present study examines the civil liabilities of individuals and legal entities in relation to concealing infectious diseases such as the coronavirus. It analyzes the factors influencing the transmission and spread of diseases from medical and legal viewpoints.
Conclusion: In jurisprudential and legal sources, various principles, including destruction (Etlaf), causation (Tasbib), and no harm (La-Zarar), are considered for civil liability, which applies to health and medical issues during pandemics. This research, using a descriptive-analytical method and utilizing library resources, the Holy Quran, and the latest jurisprudential and legal findings, explores the medical and legal obligations of individuals and legal entities in managing and preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Despite numerous studies in this area, this research presents an innovative approach to examining responsibilities in the medical and legal context. It demonstrates that Ja'fari jurisprudence, with its flexibility and dynamism, provides specific and well-reasoned jurisprudential and legal solutions to prevent the concealment and suppression of diseases and protect public health.

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