Iranian Journal of War and Public Health

eISSN (English): 2980-969X
eISSN (Persian): 2008-2630
pISSN (Persian): 2008-2622
Volume 6, Issue 4 (2014)                   Iran J War Public Health 2014, 6(4): 137-142 | Back to browse issues page



How to cite this article
Ganjparvar Z, Mousavi B, Khateri S, Soroush M, Masoumi M, Shokoohi H. Daily Activity of Adolescent Victims of Landmine and Unexploded Ordnance. Iran J War Public Health 2014; 6 (4) :137-142
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1- Janbazan Medical and Engineering Research Center, Tehran, Iran
2- Janbazan Medical and Engineering Research Center, Tehran, Iran ,
3- Emergency Medicine Department, George Washington University, Washington DC, USA
* Corresponding Author Address: Janbazan Medical and Engineering Research Center, No. 17, Farrokh Street, Moqaddas-e-Ardebili Street,
Abstract   (7164 Views)

Aims: Physical and psychological complications due to the explosion of mine and unexploded ordnances affect the level of individual and social performance of the victims. The aim of this study was to determine the level of performance and dependency level in adolescent victims of landmine and unexploded ordnance in activities of daily living.

Materials & Methods: In this cross sectional study of descriptive-analytical type that was done in 2009, 78 injured teenagers by explosion of mine and unexploded ordnance in five border provinces were studied using census sampling method. All the victims were invited to participate in the health monitoring national plan. Tools for data collection were demographic and Barthel Index questionnaires. Data were analyzed by SPSS 18 software using Pearson correlation, independent T and one-way ANOVA tests.

Findings: The mean age of participants was 16.11±1.99 years and the mean score of total activities of daily living was 84.28±17.22. The most need for help was related to the movement on uneven surfaces and dressing and the lowest disability was related to eating and bowel control. There were significant correlations between sex (p=0.006), educational status (p=0.05) and disability rate (p=0.05) and the mean score of activities of daily living.

Conclusion: Performance of mine victims in activities of daily living is in a relatively good level and this people are independent in doing the most of activities of daily living.


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