Iranian Journal of War and Public Health- Aims & Scopes
Aims & Scope

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The specialists and researchers and also the postgraduate medical students can send IJWPH their new scientific findings in different forms of articles (As mentioned in Authors Guide) that will be published after a precise and accurate peer review process in order to increase the knowledge and solve the problems of Iran Veterans, their Families, and Families of Martyrs in the below headings:

  1. Epidemiology and Statistics of war- and disasters-related Injuries and disabilities
  2. Health Service Standards of war- and disasters-related Injuries and disabilities
  3. Diagnosis and treatment of war- and disasters-related diseases
  4. Psychological impacts of war, disasters, accidents, and disabilities
  5. Rehabilitation of war- and disasters-related Injuries and disabilities
  6. Injuries, trauma, and complications (Sulphur Mustard; Amputation; PTSD; Blindness; Musculoskeletal; Spinal Cord; Chemical warfare; etc.)
  7. Assistive medical device for victims
  8. Basic science related to war, disasters, accidents, and disabilities
  9. Nursing care for war, disasters, accidents, and disabilities victims
  10. War medicine
  11. Elderly health and care
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