Volume 13, Issue 4 (2021)                   Iran J War Public Health 2021, 13(4): 277-282 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Department of Physical Education & Sport Sciences, Isfahan (Khorasgan ) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
* Corresponding Author Address: Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arghavanieh, Jey Street, Isfahan, Iran. Postal code: 81551-39998 (zmeshkati@gmail.com)
Abstract   (1139 Views)
Aims: This study aimed to investigate the role of psychological characteristics on the sports success of Iranian veterans and disabled athletes.
Instrument & Methods: In this study, the sample size was 389 men and women with disabilities in various sports participated in official competitions. Data were collected using the Cultural Intelligence Scale, Sporting Success Questionnaire. The multivariate regression analysis method and structural equation modeling were used through SPSS 23 and AMOS 22 software to assess the research model based on the conceptual model.
Findings: Iranian veterans and disabled athletes' sports success was affected by two psychological components of cultural intelligence and the ability to resolve conflict. The ability to resolve conflict in athletes increased with the increase of cultural intelligence, and with the increase of the ability to resolve conflict, sporting success also increased (p≤0.05).
Conclusion: The ability to resolve conflict is a complete mediator of the impact of cultural intelligence on sports success. Increasing the ability to resolve conflict in athletes by increasing cultural intelligence leads to athletic success.

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