Volume 13, Issue 4 (2021)                   Iran J War Public Health 2021, 13(4): 239-245 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, Wasit University, Kut, Iraq
* Corresponding Author Address: Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, Wasit University, Kut, Iraq (imadtamimi72@ibnsina.edu.iq)
Abstract   (1443 Views)
Aims: Rate of complications such as obstructed port site hernia is low depending on size and site of the port incision, type of used trocar, patient's condition, and surgeon's experience. This study was aimed to compare closure versus non-closure of the fascial sheath opening of the sub-umbilical port site "10mm".
Materials & Methods: This prospective study was performed on 50 patients in AL-Karama Teaching Hospital from September 2017 to January 2018. They were alternatively divided to Group A: sub-umbilical port site fascial defect of 10mm in diameter was closed with Zero Nylon in addition to skin closure with Zero Silk, and Group B: sub-umbilical port site fascial defect of 10mm in diameter was left without closure, only skin was closed with Zero Silk. A sharp trocar 10mm was introduced through the linea alba into the abdominal cavity at the sub-umbilical site for laparoscopic access.
Findings: The two groups had incidence rates of port site hernia, infection, and bleeding of zero, and there was no complication (hernia, bleeding, and infection) related to sub-umbilical port sites in both groups during 4-16 weeks follow-up. 
Conclusion: The closure of the laparoscopic port fascial defects is time-consuming; using suture material increases the procedure's financial cost. It is not free of complications such as inadvertent omentum or bowel loop injury.

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